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Privacy policy

When new communication tools are created, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the protection of privacy. That is why illumi is committed to respecting the confidentiality of personal information collected on our website in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

In addition, your use of our site imposes responsibilities on you that are detailed in the Terms of Use section of our website. We encourage you to review these Terms of Use before using our website to understand your obligations. illumi reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to any legal or technological changes or simply to changes made to our website. Changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page, and any use of the site following the posting of any changes means that you accept the terms of the modified Privacy Policy.

Collection of personal information

By using the Site, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of information in accordance with the terms hereof. If you do not consent to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your information as described in this Policy, please do not use this Site and/or contact us at

The personal information we collect is gathered through forms and through the interactivity established between you and the illumi websites. As indicated in the following section, we also use cookies or log files to gather information about you.

Forms and interactivity

  • Your personal information is collected through forms:
    • Website registration form
    • Order form (Réseau Ovation and illumi online store)
    • Opinion poll
    • Contest
  • illumi uses the information collected for the following purposes:
    • Order tracking
    • Information / Promotional offers
    • Statistics
    • Communication
    • Website management (presentation, organization)
  • Your information is also collected through the interactivity that may be established between you and the illumi website in the following manner:
    • Statistics
    • Communication
    • Website management (presentation, organization)
  • illumi uses the information collected for the following purposes:
    • Comments
    • Correspondence
    • Information or promotional offers

Log files and cookies

  • We collect certain information through log files and cookies. This mainly concerns the following information:
    • IP address
    • Operating system
    • Visited pages and requests
    • Time and day of connection
  • The use of such files allows us to :
    • improve services and offer a personalized welcome;
    • create personalized consumer profiles;
    • track orders;
    • compile statistics.

Certain advertisements, links or cookies may be managed and displayed on the Site by or on behalf of third parties. These third parties may use cookies or similar technology to collect anonymous information in order to display advertisements for products and services. If you click on an advertisement or link on the Site linked to a third party website, this Policy does not apply to personal information collected on the third party site and you should refer to the privacy policy posted on the third party site to learn how your personal information is collected and used.

Third-party websites may use technology to deliver advertising appearing on the Site directly to your Internet browser and receive your IP address when this occurs. They may also use cookies or comparable technology to deliver advertising, collect information and gather anonymous information about your visits to the Site.

We may also share your personal information with certain third parties so that they can send you promotional material about products and services they offer. Also, in the case of contests or promotions or partnerships with third parties, we may ask you for personal information that can be shared with the sponsor, upon request. When we share your personal information with such third parties, that information becomes subject to the information use and sharing practices of the third party, which will not be bound by this Privacy Policy with respect to future use and sharing of your personal information.

Also, third parties who provide a link to their own Web site through the illumi Web site do not necessarily comply with this Privacy Policy. Links to other sites may use our logo in the event of a joint trademark or sponsorship agreement. These sites may send their own cookies and may collect and use information in ways different from the Site.

If you have left the Site, this policy no longer applies to personal or other information collected by a third party or provided by you.


When you send personal information (including your C.V.) via the Jobs section of the illumi website, the following conditions apply;

Any information you provide through the site may be used for recruitment purposes or to respond to your inquiries, and may be forwarded to third parties with whom we work in partnership and who may be interested in your professional profile or in responding to your inquiries.

We may decide to contact the employers and references indicated or to verify the information you have provided, without necessarily notifying you in advance.

In the event that we offer you a position, we may require proof of your legal right to work in the location concerned, and the offer will be conditional upon your possession of this right.

Right of objection and withdrawal

Cavalia is committed to offering you the right to object to and withdraw your personal information.

The right to object is defined as the possibility offered to Internet users to refuse that their personal information be used for certain purposes mentioned at the time of collection.

The right of withdrawal is defined as the possibility offered to Internet users to request that their personal information no longer appears, for example, on a mailing list.

To exercise these rights, please contact us by mail or e-mail at the following addresses:

illumi – Centre de Création Cavalia
To the attention of the person responsible for the protection of personal information
4215 rue d’Iberville Montréal, Québec
Courriel :

Right of access

illumi is committed to recognizing the right of access and rectification of data concerning individuals who wish to consult, modify or even delete their personal information.

To exercise this right, please contact us by mail or e-mail at the following addresses:

Symphony of Flowers – Centre de Création Cavalia
To the attention of the person responsible for the protection of personal information
4215 rue d’Iberville Montréal, Québec
Courriel :


Personal information collected by illumi is kept in a secure environment. Persons working for the Symphony of Flowers are required to respect the confidentiality of your information under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

  • To ensure the security of your personal information, we use some of the following measures:
    • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol
    • Access management – authorized person
    • Access management – person concerned
    • Network monitoring software
    • Computer backup
    • Digital certificate development
    • Login / password
    • Firewalls

However, since no technology offers complete security, there is always an element of risk when using the Internet to transmit personal information. illumi’s commitment to the protection of personal information when purchasing through our website via the Ovation network meets the requirements of the following program:

Entrust Inc.

For more information:

E-mail newsletter

By subscribing to the illumi newsletter, you authorize Centre de Création Cavalia and its affiliated partners to inform you of presales and to send you offers and promotions in effect in your region. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Store e-mail

By completing an order on the illumi online store, you will have the option of receiving offers and promotions. By exercising this option, you authorize Centre de Création Cavalia and its affiliated partners to send you promotions in effect in your region. You may unsubscribe at any time.


The illumi website may contain sections intended for children. In such cases, the collection of their personal information will be done with the consent of the child’s parents or representative. Center de Création Cavalia will seek consent in the following ways:

  • Registration form
  • Contest


We are committed to complying with the legislative provisions set out in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, available on the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) Web site at

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